Registered:No, Event Contacts, Event Documents, NOR Amendment #1, Notice Board, Notice of Race, RC Announcements, Sailing Instructions, Scratch Sheet, SI Amendment #1, Starting Sequence
Be at Dock - Sat August 26th @ 9:00AM EDT
Club Website: Storm Trysail ClubRegistration: Link
Race Results: Race Results Post # 84
START: Flashing Red Bell “32” (The Cows) off Stamford Harbor.
FINISH: Immediately northerly of the entrance to Stamford Harbor, between the Signal Boat and Green Beacon “3” on the easterly end of the westerly breakwater.7.1
The Block Island Course Boats will sail from the Start; leave Green Bell “1BI” and Block Island to starboard, to the Finish, leaving Red Bell “32” (The Cows)and Red Nun “2” to starboard. Course distance is 186NM.
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another test cache clear
Testing the cache refresh again
Testing the cache refresh
Test comment
This is some long text that I want to see how it is handled. You should be able to see this in the widget sidebar. Depending on how the text is truncated will determine if and how it is shown. There should be enough words there now.